Information before you proceed

This report was made using Scryfall API alongside with some scripts. All this data is shared at this repo.

If you have some information to add please send me a message, my links are into this page.

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Hopefully this data will be useful or at least interesting to someone.

Card types drawn by Magali Villeneuve

The goal of this plot was to generate an bar graph with all types made by Magali Villeneuve, which is my favorite artist of MTG, I had to use some logic to extract the separators of the Type lines.

Bar graph containing card types

Comparation between types that are unique

The goal of this plot was to generate an bar graph with the amount of unique and not unique types for comparation.

Bar graph containing unique card types

Artists that drawn 150 or above cards

Some artist have drawn more cards than others, but i've made a couple of visualizations to see the difference between then.

Bar graph containing artists and the number of cards drawn

Artists that drawn between 150 and 100

Some artist have drawn more cards than others, but i've made a couple of visualizations to see the difference between then.

Bar graph containing artists and the number of cards drawn

Artists that drawn between 100 and 75

Some artist have drawn more cards than others, but i've made a couple of visualizations to see the difference between then.

Bar graph containing artists and the number of cards drawn

Artists that drawn between 75 and 50

Some artist have drawn more cards than others, but i've made a couple of visualizations to see the difference between then.

Bar graph containing artists and the number of cards drawn